Webinar: Pollinators, their importance, and how we can support them

Tuesday, Mar 11, 2025 at 12:00PM

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Webinar: Pollinators, their importance, and how we can support them
Presenter: Jordan Phelps, Bee City Canada Coordinator, Pollinator Partnership Canada
Tuesday March 11th, 2025 at 12:00pm
Register for Free: https://shorturl.at/Veh1c
FREE! Everyone welcome! Watch from anywhere!
More Information: SK PCAP: 306.352.0472 pcap@sasktel.net or www.pcap-sk.org

Presentation Summary:
It is difficult to overstate the ecological and economic importance of pollinators. An estimated 87% of flowering plants benefit from or require animal pollinators, including approximately 75% of the major crops that we grow for human consumption. When asked to think of pollinators, most people think of the European honey bee. While the honey bee is incredibly important for crop pollination, people are often surprised to learn that it is only one member of the diverse community of pollinating animals on earth, which includes a wide diversity of bees (20,000+ species in the world, including ~900 native to Canada!), butterflies, moths, flies, beetles, wasps, birds, bats, and others. Unfortunately, many of the native pollinator species we depend on are facing challenges as a result of several factors, including habitat loss, climate change, pesticide exposure, and invasive species, among others. Because habitat loss is one of the greatest threats facing our native pollinators, we can all act to support them through habitat creation! Pollinator Partnership Canada offers many programs to support pollinators through habitat creation and education, including Bee City Canada, Pollinator Stewardship Certification Training, Bee Friendly Farming (BFF), and Bee Friendly Gardening (BFG).
PCAP’s Prairie’s Got the Goods Week is an annual series of webinars focusing on the goods and services provided by the native prairie ecosystem.
Hosted by: Caitlin Mroz-Sailer, Stewardship Coordinator, Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan


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Contact Info

Name Prairie Conservation Action Plan
Phone (306) 352-0472
Email pcap@sasktel.net
Link For more info click here.

Posted by Caitlin Mroz under Community in Steinbach.

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