Introduction to Kickboxing is a great opportunity for youth to learn fundamental techniques, skills, physical conditioning, and promote self-confidence and discipline. This program features a progressive learning approach to defence, footwork, boxing, and kicking. Physical conditioning will be a part of each class and will help develop individual's overall athleticism, coordination, and balance. Classes will include a warm up, stretching, cardio and strength conditioning, skill/technique development, hitting Thai pads, and technical drills. Due to the nature of this program, participants are expected to act respectfully and be able to follow direction. The following equipment is required for participants: Shorts, shirt, and boxing gloves. Mouth guards, hand wraps and shin guards are recommended. Training without these pieces is possible, but participation during some drills will be limited. *Registration Deadline is one week prior to the class start Refund and Cancellation Policy:
Thursdays, October 3 - December 12, 6 PM - 7 PM
Ages: 10 - 14
- $13 drop in
- $110 for full session